Friday, November 7, 2014

Freebee Friday!

I think we all need a break from NanNo, and this will surely do the trick. Saw it on my facebook feed and was in such a state of awe, that I had to share!

Happy Friday!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NaNo Day 3 Recap

How easy it is to fall behind. I'm just now posting my words from yesterday and just now sitting down to write my words of today. It's been one of those days. :/

Here are my best 100 from Day 3:

"She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before snapping the elastics of the mask behind her ears. "Thanks again for helping us tonight."
I give her a genuine smile; they're hard to find now a days. "Of course. My best friend is having her Pairing Ceremony tonight." I really am happy for her. Dhevan and Journey truly do love each other, and they've been waiting such a long time for this day to come. I'm happy that they'll finally be together the way I never really can be. I mentally shake the thought away.
She actually lets out" 


Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNo Day 2

I know it's only day two, but are you all staying on track? I hope so. It's easy, even in the early days of NaNo, to skip a day and tell yourself that you'll make it up in the coming days. Don't let yourself fall into that trap! Write!

Here are my best 100 words from yesterday.

""You heard the man, next!" the Guard on the right shouts.
The firewood seller spins impressively for a man his size, getting in the face of the Guard. "This here's my booth, not yours. I didn't ask you to be here and I sure as hell don't need you to interfere." He turns back forward with a grunt, taking the ration stamps of the next citizen and scanning them. The Citizen points to two cords of wood and the seller slaps their stamps onto the end of one of the logs with a tack.
Journey and I are up to" 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNo Day 1

So, how'd you all fair? I barely pushed past the bare minimum yesterday with 1,800 words. But, as promised, here are my best 100 words, unedited, and as I wrote them yesterday. Don't forget to check in with me on Facebook and Twitter and check out what's going on under the hashtag of #NaNoWriMo and #100BestWords. Share and be proud of what you've accomplished so far.

"I wrinkle my nose at the smell that permeates the room. It's not as bad as it was when he first got here, but it's still noticeable to me; like he's stained the walls and furniture and everything else with his stench. We'll never get it out. I make my way, grudgingly, over to the side of the bed. Papa set up a small, wooden chair next to the dead of his bed and within arm's reach of the night stand. There's a small bowl of water and worn rag waiting for me. The water isn't much, but in our"

Okay, back to writing!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNo has arrived again!

Yo, yo, yo!

Today is the first day of the dredded/celebrated NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)! For those of you not in the loop, NaNo is a challenge to write a novel (50,000 words) during the month of November.

"November?!" you say. "Why November? It's, like, a totally busy month!"

That's the point. During the stress of holidays, season changes, family, travel, and stuffing your face with delicious food and treats, you're challenged to write a novel. Even though you have a bajillion other things going on around you, the sense of pride and accomplishment of carving out a little bit of time each day to write 1,666.6666666667 words is well worth it. Even if you don't reach the 50,000 word goal, you've written something and that something will always be better than nothing.

I'm planning on using this month to really buckle down and finish OUTCAST, the second book in the Corporation series. Check out my Facebook page and Twitter feed to check on the progress I'm making. My goal is to share with you each day a little something that I've written; a bit of a sneak peek, if you will.

So, what bout you all? Up for the challenge?

Happy writing, my friends!
