Update: As of 1/25/2013 @ 7:30 AM MST I am closed to taking any more review requests. I'll let you know when I'm back up. Hopefully that will be soon! (I have updated a bit of what I'm looking for. If you're a NW author, the odds are in your favor)
Take a look around my site, read my posts, my Book Reports. Get a sense of who I am and what my tastes are and if you think I'll be a right match for your novel. I love books. Especially new or little-known Young Adult books.

- I cannot pay for a copy of the book
- I have the right to say no to any book
- I have no time frame for when I review books, but I do try to get them read as soon as possible
- I review YA books only (some New Adult/Crossover will be considered)
- I give top priority to Northwest authors, and I may consider a genre outside of YA (see below for what I will not review)
- I’m pretty busy (full-time job, wife, pregnant, writer trying to get published, active outside of work, competitive dancer, professional book reviewer outside of this blog, avid reader, etc), so it may take me a while to get back to you with an answer. I do respond to every email that’s book review related and fits into the YA genre, so, if you haven’t heard from me in about 4 weeks, I apologize--feel free to follow-up.
- I WILL NOT review the following genres (within YA. Again, NW authors I have a little more leeway with)
Epic Fantasy
Hard-core sci-fi
Political thrillers
True crime
Memoirs or inspirational
Poetry (I will do some in-verse books, though)
Short stories
- I will post a review of your book at the following sites (as long as your book is available to review there):
- I prefer ebooks and can accept any format. If you only have a physical book to send, I can send you the address to mail it to should I agree to review your book
- I will accept indie published, self-published, and traditionally published YA books
- I promise 100% honest reviews. If I like it, I’ll say so. If I don’t, I’ll say that, too. So make sure to read my 5 star and my 1 star reviews to make sure you can handle what I might have to say
- What I say in my reviews will not be changed unless something is factually wrong. Also, what I say in my review is solely my opinion. Another reader might think something else
- You may use snippets of my review, if you’d like, I only ask that you let me know in advance and send me links of where they will be
Please follow these specific
instructions. I get a lot of requests, and following (or not following) what I
would like to see in your email helps me go through them easier. (IE - if you
don’t have this info, I will probably be deleting your email. It’s not to be
rude. I get A LOT of emails, and I don’t have the time to go through and read
them all if they don’t have the info I need the first time around). My email is
RaeLynnFry at gmail dot com
In the email I want
to see:
- Subject line: Review Request: Title & genre
- Body of email:
An enticing synopsis of your book (similar to a
back cover) that will make me want to read it.
If you’re a Northwest author or not (Idaho,
Oregon, Washington. I’ll consider Montana, Nevada, and Northern California,
Colorado, & Utah as well)
Where your book can be purchased
Any website or blog addresses
This may seem like a
lot of info (and in reality, it is, but it’s all important. I can’t wait to read your book!