This is the page where I pretend that you all want to know everything about my progress to getting published (Yay!). So, here we go (with my most recent work on top and fun little covers that I'm just messing around with).
SMILE (WIP) - YA Contemporary

2012 - CERTIFIED (WIP) - YA Thriller

2011 - CASTE - YA Dystopian

2009 - SACRIFICE - YA Urban Fantasy
SMILE (WIP) - YA Contemporary
2012 - CERTIFIED (WIP) - YA Thriller
- I'm about a quarter of the way through this one, really excited about it, but kind of scattered, I need to rein it in and get some direction before I start writing more. And, some research. Which should be the funnest research I've ever done for a book.
2011 - CASTE - YA Dystopian
- This book first saw the light of day at SFWC 2012 with huge success (3 agents asked for fulls!)
- Dream Agent asked for an R&R, two agents still have my fulls and I'll nudge them sometime next month
- Sent R&R to Dream Agent!
- I've submitted to a crap-load of agents, but obviously, still not enough :)
- I have one agent who's asked for an R&R
- R&R on hold for CASTE R&R's
2009 - SACRIFICE - YA Urban Fantasy
- My first novel, and it still holds a very special place in my heart.
- It's about vampires (go ahead, roll your eyes, I don't mind) because I love them and they will rock your socks off any day of the week
- These vampires actually kill people. For fun. And they like it. (So there.)
- I have two more books planned for this series and will probably write them even if this ms is never picked up, if only for myself and to see the story finish out.