There's been a lull in my submitting to agents and as a result, a lull in their responses (funny how that works). So, here's my goal: by the end of October, before NaNoWriMo starts, I will have submitted to five publishers I have found that want my genre and are accepting open submissions, as well as ten new literary agents. And of course, there's the overall goal of getting Atlantis worked on and Escaping the Night finished (almost done with that one!). Oh, and there's busy, so busy. :-)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I was reading through my posts and thought most of them were pretty amusing/funny. Then I got to these most recent ones. Too serious. I vow to add humor back to my posts!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How about that? Two posts in just as many days. Don't start expecting that.
I think it is important for everyone (especially readers and writers) to have a place of their own. A sanctuary. A sacred and private space they can go to to read and write, decompress. A place that is their own that they don’t have to share with anyone. I’m lucky to have three such places, well, four, actually.
My husband and I don’t have any kids, unless you count Sass, so that means that we have two extra bedrooms in our house to play with. For a long time, they were empty, filled with junk. Then Hubby and I got hobbies and the rooms evolved.
This is where I go on lazy Sunday afternoons or any evening and read. I randomly pick a book off a shelf and dive right in. The door is always open, so both Hubby and Sass come wondering in from time to time; but for the most part it is my own, and I have to say, my most favorite room in the house.
The corner of our couch is a good spot, too, but I often have to fight Hubby for that one, especially during football season. One of the MANY local Starbucks is where I usually go to write. That’s kind of cliché now a days, but I think that's because it works. There’s something about the atmosphere that Starbucks creates—busy, loud, a hub of activity, just constantly moving. I grab my coffee, bagel and usual seat, plug in my HP mini and iPod and get to typing. I also get a lot of work done (the most, actually) at work during my lunches. It’s amazing how little I write in the quietness of my home—I think there are too many distractions.
But, whatever the place—whether you have different ones for reading or writing or working out your zen, or they are the same—keep it your sanctuary. Make it your own so you can have a place to relax and get in “the zone” of whatever it is you’re going to be doing. It’s the best feeling in the world.
Hi, My Name's RaeLynn & I'm a Book-a-holic
I have two bookCASES filled with books I have yet to read, plus a pile behind the couch in my reading room, and yet another bookcase filled with books I have read and kept. There’s the book club that girls and I have going on in my dance class, one with a couple other readers at work, one called 3rd@3 at my local bookstore (where I also have my writing group), the Target book club and my two favorites—Costco and Amazon. I’m a sucker for books.
My husband has disappeared all weekend to hunt, which is fine with me. I’ve been reading, working on a new YA novel and spending time with Sass. It’s been a good weekend and hopefully by next week I will have finished an AMAZING book and will have a book review ready for you. :-) We’ll see how that goes. I aim high and sometimes hit my target.
The marathon training is trudging along. I have to admit that I am not as devoted as I was when I first started. It’s easy to run a mile a day for five days, but it’s a lot harder to run three miles a day for five days. I can imagine how hard it’s going to be to do 13.1 miles a day for five days. I’m hoping I can make it. I really want to do Robie Creek in April.
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