Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Irony at My Local B&N

Since I am taking this whole writing “thing” seriously now (I’ve invested time, money, highlighters and red pens into SEVERAL books on writing), I decided it’s about time to buy that big book that every writer and agent and website has told me to get to increase my odds of getting an agent and of getting published. I must remind myself that this doesn’t guarantee anything, but it increases my odds, and since I have never even won at Bingo, I need all the help I can get.

I went to my local B&N (Barnes and Noble for those who are not obsessed fans) and reserved the book, Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents 2010 by Jeff Herman. I flipped through it (which is roughly the size of an encyclopedia at 1,094 pages) and found it so far very useful and fun; and all for just $29.99 plus tax.

I can’t wait to get started with my sticky notes, more highlighters and the never ceasing usage of red pens.

I reserved it online and stopped by the store to pick it up after work yesterday. I go to the counter, tell the young guy there my last name, and he comes back with this behemoth. Our conversation is as follows (to the best of my memory that is):

ME: “That’s HUGE!”

Guy: “Yeah,” laughs, “It is pretty big. You a writer?”

ME: “Yup. I’ve completed one already and am working on a few others.”

Guy: “That’s awesome. What do you write?”

ME: “The one I’ve completed is a Young Adult Fantasy. The others vary.”

Guy: Nods, scans the day planner that goes all the way to the end of 2011 that I also purchased, tells me my total. “Is it a vampire one?”

ME: I know my face probably turned red, as it always does in situations like these. I am not ashamed of what I wrote, just self-conscious. There’s so much hype and crap out there, that all vampire books are automatically lumped into the same pile? But what about Ann Rice, I ask?! So, I stalled only seconds and answered with a convincing smile and laugh, “No.” I know, I am ashamed.

Guy: “Good for you.” Which made me feel all the worse for denying my true self and my novel!!!

ME: “I’m more original than that.” Oh dear. What am I doing? Stop talking now, RaeLynn, just stop.

Guy: Laughter. “Have a good day.”


Monday, June 28, 2010

Crackin' the Whip

A year ago I started to write my very first book. Finally it is ready for the agent!

Sort of. I just have to put all of my paper edits onto my computer files and then it's off to the agent!

Well, there is the matter of the dreaded query letter. But then, it's off to the agent!

Bottom line, it had better be ready by the first of July, cuz that's what I have written on my calendar and by golly, once it's written there, there's no going back! :)

What is my book about, you ask? Let me tell you. The Heir is the first of four in the Dark Moon Series. It is a Young Adult Fantasy of about 127,000 and it is about vampires.

Yes, vampires.

And no gasping or groaning or eye rolls. Yes, you in the back there, I can see you.

This isn’t your typical Twilight. It is darker and more detailed and I dare say more in-depth. (crosses fingers and holds breath) I shall post a synopsis and you can take a gander for yourself.
